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April 18, 2025

Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Revere’s Ride and “Two if By Sea”

Revere's Ride to Revolution

On the evening of April 18, 1775,  allies of Paul Revere climbed Old North Church’s steeple and held high two lanterns as a signal that British forces were marching to Lexington and Concord “by sea” across the Charles River. Those two signal lanterns set a complex alarm system into motion, a system that included many messengers fanning out across Massachusetts to spread the warning that night. Once Revere got across the river, he began his own famous Midnight Ride as part of this system. Ultimately, when the British arrived in Lexington the next morning, they were met by local militia members, and the shots fired that morning ignited the American Revolutionary War.

On Friday, April 18, 2025, Boston will celebrate the 250th anniversary of these historic events. See below for a list of special activities commemorating Revere’s ride and “two if by sea!”

Revolution’s Edge: Costumed Reading of the Hit Play

Friday, April 18, 2025
Paul Revere Mall, Boston’s North End
Free and open to the public

April 18, 2025 will mark the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s famous “two if by sea” lantern signal in Old North Church’s steeple. To kick off Boston’s Patriots’ Day weekend celebrations in partnership with the City of Boston, Old North Illuminated will stage a free reading of the hit play Revolution’s Edge behind Old North Church on Paul Revere Mall. Mayor Michelle Wu and other local officials will attend the play and give remarks to commemorate this historic anniversary. Written by Patrick Gabridge and produced by Plays in Place, Revolution’s Edge is a gripping 45-minute historical drama that ran at Old North Church in the summers of 2023 and 2024.

The event will be held outdoors on Paul Revere Mall, a public and accessible space. In the event of rain, the reading will move across Hanover Street to St. Stephen’s Church. Guests will be greeted with live music before brief speaking remarks welcome the crowd and introduce the 45-minute costumed read of Revolution’s Edge. ASL interpreters will translate during the performance. Most audience members will stand, but space will be held for wheelchair and companion seating. Old North’s lanterns will light up soon after the play’s conclusion, at the beginning of the reenactment of Revere’s row across the Charles River. No tickets are required, but be sure to add the event to your calendar!

Logos for The Freedom Trail Foundation, Massachusetts Freemasons, and the Sons of the American Revolution




Paul Revere: The Messenger and the Maker

Friday, April 18, 2025
5:00 – 9:00pm
USS Constitution Museum, Charlestown, MA
Free and open to the public

This April, the USS Constitution Museum honors Paul Revere—the midnight rider and master craftsman—250 years after his legendary ride. From sounding the alarm for revolution to forging copper for USS Constitution, Revere’s impact on America endures.

Join us on Friday, April 18 for an open house, a lantern-making event, and an expert talk that brings his story to life. Whether you’re welcoming Revere’s arrival by lamplight, or diving into the history of his midnight ride, there’s something for everyone.

Lantern Workshops (5:00 – 9:00pm): Create your own wooden lantern at the Museum and help welcome Paul Revere at Pier 1 of Charlestown Navy Yard and join the procession to City Square in Charlestown!

The Reasons for Revere’s Ride at USS Constitution Museum (8:00 – 8:30pm): Broaden your understanding of the famous ride with J.L. Bell, a respected author and historian specializing in the American Revolution. Bell will speak to the context of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride, helping us to understand why it happened and its importance.

Paul Revere - The Messenger and the Maker

Paul Revere Bids Farewell

Friday, April 18, 2025
5:30 – 7:30pm Open House, 8:00pm Departure for Waterfront
The Paul Revere House @ 19 North Square, Boston, MA 02113
Free and open to the public, as site capacity allows

Encounter Paul and Rachel Revere in their home as he prepares to depart on his Midnight Ride. Tour the museum’s Visitor Center, where museum staff will share the full story of Revere’s adventures on April 18, 1775. 

As the evening progresses, gather in North Square to witness Revere’s departure from his home, and follow in his footsteps as he makes his way stealthily to the waterfront.

Riding to Revolution

250th Anniversary Lantern Service
Featuring Heather Cox Richardson

Friday, April 18, 2025

Old North Church @ 193 Salem St, Boston
Tickets Required

The Old North Church is offering a traditional Lantern Service on Friday, April 18, 2025 at 7:00pm in honor of the 250th anniversary of the “two if by sea” signal from the church’s steeple on the eve of the American Revolution. Dr. Heather Cox Richardson, acclaimed author and professor of history at Boston College, will deliver the keynote address.

Organized by Old North’s clergy and congregation and modeled on the service offered for the 200th anniversary in 1975 with Pres. Gerald Ford, this 250th Anniversary Lantern Service encourages reflection on the meaning of faith, freedom, and American democracy today. It will include inspirational music; Paul Revere’s own recollection of his historic ride and Old North’s signal lights; Heather Cox Richardson’s address; and prayers for our nation as we begin our Semiquincentennial. The service will culminate with the lighting of the church’s historic lanterns.

Lantern Service with Heather Cox Richardson


Two if By Sea, Evening Harbor Cruise


Friday, Apr 18, 2025
8:00 – 9:00pm
Long Wharf

Embark on a captivating one-hour cruise through Boston Harbor and witness Paul Revere’s legendary midnight crossing to Charlestown. Experience history come to life as costumed reenactors recreate Revere’s daring journey, signaling the start of the American Revolution. Enjoy stunning waterfront views, live narration, and an immersive glimpse into this pivotal moment in history.

The trip will begin at Long Wharf and end at Long Wharf after cruising to the site where Paul Revere crossed Boston Harbor.

Two If By Sea

Public View of the Crossing of Paul Revere


Friday, Apr 18, 2025
8:15 – 9:00pm
Langone Park
Free and open to the public

Step back in time and witness history come to life on Boston Harbor! Join us for a public viewing of the dramatic reenactment of Paul Revere’s legendary crossing of Boston Harbor. Experience the sights and sounds of colonial America with fife and drum music, family-friendly activities, and a dazzling display of lanterns lighting up the night. This unforgettable event celebrates the spirit of the Revolution!

Lagone Park

Revere’s Arrival at City Square / Unearthing the Untold Stories of Charlestown’s Sacrifice


Friday, Apr 18, 2025
8:45 – 9:10pm
City Square, Charlestown, MA
Free and open to the public

Join us for an exclusive speaking program featuring Joe Bagley, City of Boston’s Chief Archaeologist, who will unveil groundbreaking, never-before-heard stories of Charlestown’s earliest residents. Drawn from recent archaeological discoveries, these narratives illuminate the sacrifices made by ordinary families whose homes were sacrificed for the cause of liberty during the American Revolution’s Battle of Bunker Hill. For the first time, the everyday heroes of Charlestown will be identified and commemorated.  

The evening builds to a dramatic crescendo with a live historical reenactment: Paul Revere’s arrival at City Square. Rowing across the Charles River under the shadow of night, Revere will step ashore to confirm that two lanterns glowed in the Old North Church—a signal that sparked a revolution. Watch as he mounts his horse and races off on his legendary “Midnight Ride” to Lexington, a moment that echoes through history.

Unearthing the Untold Stories of Charlestown’s Sacrifice

Can’t Miss Boston Activities in Spring 2025

Five Star Review of a Freedom Trail Tour in Boston.

Take a Freedom Trail® tour with a costumed guide who will immerse you in Boston’s colonial history. Your ticket purchase supports the Freedom Trail® Foundation’s Preservation Fund, which supports preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and capital projects for official Freedom Trail® historic sites.

Visit Boston African American National Historic Site and join the National Park Service for a walk along the Black Heritage Trail®, which explores the history of Boston’s Black community in the 1800s. Learn about the Underground Railroad, the abolition movement, and the early struggles for civil rights.

Cross the harbor to Georges Island, where the graceful granite archways of historic Fort Warren will greet you as you arrive by ferry. The construction of Fort Warren, built to protect Boston, began in 1833 and took nearly two decades to complete. Nearly obsolete upon completion, the island was used as a training facility for Union soldiers during the Civil War. Enjoy a picnic, explore with a ranger-guided tour, or stop by the visitor center to delve into history — and be sure to ask about the legend of the Lady in Black!

Purchase Tickets To Visit Old North Church & Historic Site