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Plan Your Adventure at Old North

Old North Church is open for tourism Tuesday – Saturday from 10am – 5pm and on Sunday from 12:30 – 5pm.

Tickets are available online. We’re offering the following tour options:

  • $10 Crypt Combo Package: includes a self-guided tour of the crypt where 1,100 people were laid to rest, our immersive audio guide, and general admission. ONLY $9 when you book online.
  • $10 Bell Chamber Package: includes a guided tour of the bell ringing chamber where Paul Revere rang bells as a teenager and general admission to the sanctuary.
  • $8 Audio Guide Package: includes our immersive audio guide featuring new research and general admission. ONLY $7 when you book online.
  • $5 General Admission: includes our award-winning history exhibit, a self-guided tour of the sanctuary, a fun family scavenger hunt, and the chance to chat with our knowledgeable Educators.

Through the Mass Cultural Council’s Card to Culture program, we offer free general admission for EBT and/or WIC cardholders and up to two members of their family. To redeem, please show your EBT or WIC card at our ticket booth or gift shop.

Old North Church is available for field trips or private group visits. For bookings or questions, please get in touch with our Visitor Experience Manager, Julius James, at or 781-352-2069. Learn more about our field trip options.

See our accessibility information and our policies and guidelines for visitors.

Historic Paint Restoration: Uncovering Hidden Angels

A paint restoration project is currently underway at Old North to remove layers of white overpaint and reveal some of the church’s colonial-era artwork! Expert craftspeople are uncovering 16 angels in the balcony arches that were painted in the late 1720s and 1730s by congregation member John Gibbs. Visitors to Old North will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch the conservation team in action and see long-hidden history being revealed.

Crypt Combo Package

Our historic crypt is now open to the public after a 9-month restoration project!

Did you know that over 1,100 bodies lie underneath the sanctuary of Old North Church? Explore Old North’s crypt on a self-guided tour. You’ll find out about the burial practices of early congregants, get introduced to some of the notable crypt “occupants” who have rested in this unique space for hundreds of years, and learn about discoveries from recent archeological work.

When: The Crypt Combo is available during our normal operating hours. Check our online schedule to plan your visit.

Tickets: The Crypt Combo is ONLY $9 per person when you book online or $10 at the ticket booth. It includes a self-guided tour of the crypt, general admission to the church’s sanctuary and new exhibit, and an immersive audio guide with 300 years of the church’s secrets and stories. Children 5 and under are free.

Content: Historical topics discussed include death, burials, and human remains.

Note: Participants should be comfortable in a basement setting and navigating tight spaces. The crypt has low lighting, uneven surfaces, and is not wheelchair or stroller accessible.

Explore the Crypt


Prince’s Pew Pursuit: A Family Scavenger Hunt

Prince's Pew Pursuit

In this fun activity designed especially for families, visitors explore Old North through a scavenger hunt narrated by Prince, the friendly North End cat who used to frequent the church. By finding clues and answering questions, participants will see highlights of the sanctuary and learn about Old North’s unique history.

Audience: Children ages 4-10 and their families

Cost: This activity is included with general admission! To participate, simply request a copy of Prince’s Pew Pursuit when you enter the church.

Immersive Audio Tour

Discover Old North’s secrets and stories with our brand-new audio tour! Available in English or Spanish, the tour weaves together the story of Paul Revere’s famous lantern signal with recent research into the lives of Old North’s free and enslaved Indigenous and Black congregants.

Listen to a sneak preview of the audio tour online:

Audience: The audio tour is recommended for ages 12 and up. Younger children may also find it enjoyable with explanations from a parent.

Cost: The audio tour includes general admission and is ONLY $7 when you book online or $8 at the ticket booth.

Discover Secrets and Stories - New Audio Tour

Bell Chamber Tour

Tour the Bell Chamber

Join us for a guided tour of the church’s bell tower! Visitors will explore the bell ringing chamber: a unqiue behind-the-scenes area that isn’t typically open to guests. Along the way, you’ll learn about Old North’s famous bells, notable bell ringers (including Paul Revere), and the art of change ringing. Visitors will also hear the story of the church’s three steeples and consider the paradox that the steeple represents.

When: Check our online schedule for the latest information.

Length: 25 minutes

Tickets: $10 per person (includes general admission to the sanctuary). Children 5 and under are free.

Group Size: 1 – 20 people. Tours fill up fast!

Note: Please note that the tour requires climbing two sets of steep stairs.

Joint Ticket: Old North, Old State, & Old South

Experience three historic Boston sites with one ticket! Revolutionary Spaces and Old North Illuminated are now offering a joint ticket to Old South Meeting House, Old State House, and Old North Church — a $5 discount off regular full-price admission. This joint ticket includes any programs, exhibits, and gallery talks that are complementary with admission at Old South Meeting House and Old State House, as well as audio guides at Old North Church (a $3 value).

At this time, joint tickets can only be purchased at the Boston Common Visitor Center, located at 139 Tremont Street in Boston. For more information, call 617-536-4100.

The following tickets are available:

  • Adult – $18 (a $23 value)
  • Senior (62+) – $16 (a $21 value)
  • Student (13-18 or college ID) – $16 (a $21 value)
  • Child (6-12) – $11 (a $16 value)

Sites can be visited in any order on any date and time of your choosing. Joint tickets do not expire and do not need to be redeemed in one day. Please visit and for up-to-date operating hours and site closures.

The Old State House, the Old North Church, the Old South Meeting House

Planning a Freedom Trail Day?

Freedom Trail Plaque

For the most up-to-date information about exploring the Freedom Trail’s official historic sites, please visit the Experience the Freedom Trail Now webpage.

Purchase Tickets To Visit Old North Church & Historic Site