Church Events
All are welcome to join us in person for our Sunday Morning Services.
Advanced reservations are welcome and encouraged to assist in our weekly planning. Please click here to reserve.
Special Events and Worship Services
Please note: Scaffolding is in place as we continue restoring 18th Century angels painted in the arches above the church’s galleries between 1727 and 1735 by early parishioner John Gibbs. We expect the project to be completed by mid-April as we observe Holy Week and Easter. Sunday services continue as usual with seating in the center aisle and along the windows. It is exciting to see these treasures from centuries past come to life again over the next several months, enhancing our sacred and historic space. Join us to experience this dramatic transformation. Read more about this project here.
Sun., Feb. 16: Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Due to snow, ice, and difficult morning travel the Sunday, February 16 worship service will be offered on Zoom only. There will be no in-person service. Contact for connection details.
Sun., Feb. 23: Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
11 a.m., Choral Eucharist
12 noon, Coffee Hour
The Rev. Dr. Katharine C. Black, guest preacher & celebrant
Sun., March 2: Last Sunday after Epiphany
11 a.m., Choral Eucharist
12 noon, Coffee Hour
Wed., March 5: Ash Wednesday
12 noon, Liturgy for Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes, & Holy Eucharist
6:00 p.m., Liturgy for Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes, & Holy Eucharist
Sun., March 9: First Sunday in Lent
11 a.m., Great Litany & Choral Eucharist
12 noon, Coffee Hour
Every Sunday our Morning Worship Service Will Be Live-streamed on the Old North Congregation YouTube Channel