Clergy & Leadership

The Rev. Dr. Matthew Cadwell
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Cadwell is Old North's seventh Vicar. Born and raised in Minnesota, he is a graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College, Episcopal Divinity School, and the Toronto School of Theology (a consortium of theological faculties at the University of Toronto), earning the PhD with specialization in Anglican history and theology. He began ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada while a doctoral fellow and lecturer at Trinity College, Toronto. Prior to appointment at Old North in 2020, he served 12 years as Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Wakefield, Mass. He currently serves on Diocesan Council, with earlier service on Standing Committee and as an area dean. Dr. Cadwell teaches theology in the diocese’s deacon formation program and Anglican/Episcopal history in Bexley-Seabury Seminary's Pathways for Baptismal Living. He is an Associate of the Order of St. Anne, a community of Episcopal nuns in Arlington, officiating in the convent chapel regularly. Like Old North's history, his ancestry includes both Patriots and Loyalists during the American Revolution, followed by later immigrants. He cherishes Old North’s status as a national treasure and icon of American freedom, as well as our close relationship with Boston’s British and Commonwealth communities. Beyond church responsibilities, he enjoys baking, watercolor painting, is interested in Scandinavian culture, and speaks Swedish.

The Rev. Holly Hartman
Deacon (On Leave)
The Rev. Holly Hartman began serving a three-year appointment as Deacon at Old North in January 2023. Ordained a Vocational Deacon in 2012, Holly is a graduate of Andover Newton Theological Seminary with a master’s degree in Christian Education. Her first career was as an occupational therapist with a degree from the University of New Hampshire. She previously served as Deacon at Christ Church, Needham; Grace Church, Everett; and Emmanuel Church, Wakefield. In addition to parish ministry, she has served on the diocesan staff as a Missioner for Global Partnerships. Her passion for ministry includes engaging/discerning/forming parishioners in mission, which she views as crossing boundaries to engage with people in another context, whether it be local or global. At Old North, Holly co-leads the Sacred Ground racial justice and reconciliation program. She partners with the vestry on identifying mission outreach opportunities and is leading monthly church school programing for children and youth. Holly lives in Needham with her husband Lester, a retired pediatrician. They have two adult daughters. They enjoy vacationing in Maine, especially at Higgins Beach in Scarborough, south of Portland. Deacon Holly Hartman is current on an extended leave of absence as she cares for her family.

Dr. Libor Dudas
Director of Music
Libor, a native of Croatia, has served as Old North's Director of Music for over 25 years, appointed in 1998. He began his musical studies in piano at the age of 8. At the age of 14, he gave his first organ recital in his hometown of Osijek, which led to performances in all the major cities of former Yugoslavia. A scholarship took him to Vienna, Austria, to study organ and church music where he performed, not only in Vienna and Innsbruck but also throughout Bavaria and Italy. At the age of 20, Dr. Dudas presented an organ recital in the Thomaskirche, J. S. Bach’s church in Leipzig, Germany. After receiving his Diploma with Distinction at the Hochschule für Music und darstellende Kunst in Vienna, Austria, he furthered his studies at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana with a Master's in Music, and at the New England Conservatory of Music where he received a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Organ Performance. In addition to his appointment at Old North Church, Dr. Dudas teaches harpsichord, organ, piano, and vocal studies as a senior member of the faculty at the Longy School of Music of Bard College in Cambridge. He regularly performs across New England, New York, and in Europe, including a recent summer residency in Berlin, Germany. His recording of Edward Elgar’s “Vesper Voluntaries” can be heard on the CD “Historic Organs of Boston” published by the Organ Historical Society. An avid animal lover, he is a regular volunteer at the Franklin Park Zoo.

Ms. Priscilla Burns
Parish Administrator
Priscilla is a cradle Episcopalian and 30+ year active member of Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester. Born in Tennessee and raised in Florida, she has called the Boston area home for many years. She loves serving both Old North and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Charlestown as shared Administrator, positions she has held since 2013. Priscilla graduated from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, Virginia and earned an MBA from Northeastern University.