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Support the Old North Congregation

Old North Church, formally Christ Church in the City of Boston, is among the oldest active Episcopal Church congregations in the country. Founded in 1723 to be a House of Prayer for All People, we we welcome members, friends, and visitors from across the nation and world into our life together. For over 300 years the Old North community has transformed lives, built community, and brought hope through our ministry and witness.

Generous donations by friends near and far enable our many ministries of worship, music, education, community outreach, and service to our world. Thank you. Our multicultural and intergenerational congregation strives to proclaim the liberating message of the Gospel, shining beacons of light, justice, and love in Boston and beyond.

Gifts of all sizes are welcome and very much appreciated. Annual pledges of support, one-time donations, memorial gifts, and other contributions can be made online or mailed to:

Christ Church
193 Salem Street
Boston, MA 02113

For more information about making an annual pledge of financial support, to discuss planned giving, or other gifts, please contact the church office at

Purchase Tickets To Visit Old North Church & Historic Site