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Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of “Two if By Sea”

April 18, 2025 will mark the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride and Old North Church’s famous “two if by sea” lantern signal! Boston is celebrating with several special events, including a costumed reading of the hit play Revolution’s Edge and reenactments of the lantern lighting and Revere’s journey. Learn more here.

On April 18, join us to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride and “two if by sea.”

 Historic Paint Restoration: Uncovering Hidden Angels

A paint restoration project is currently underway at Old North to remove layers of white overpaint and reveal some of the church’s colonial-era artwork! Expert craftspeople are uncovering 16 angels in the balcony arches that were painted in the late 1720s and 1730s by congregation member John Gibbs. Visitors to Old North will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch the conservation team in action and see long-hidden history being revealed.

Throughout the year, Old North Illuminated hosts authors, professors, and other experts for Speaker Series events. In anticipation of the upcoming 250th anniversary of Old North Church’s famous lantern signal in 2025, this year’s Speaker Series will include talks that focus on revolutions — their origins, their societal transformations, and their complex legacies. We hope you’ll join us.
Our 2024 Speaker Series events are brought to you in part by Hub Town Tours.

Hub Town Tours


Purchase Tickets To Visit Old North Church & Historic Site