Worship With Us

Worship With Us
The Old North Church strives to follow the mission of openness and welcome proclaimed by our first Rector, the Rev. Dr. Timothy Cutler, in his inaugural sermon in 1723 on the text from Isaiah 56:7: “My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all people.” For over 300 years we have drawn people from every background and denomination who share in our worship and life together. Whether visiting Boston briefly or seeking a permanent spiritual home, know we are delighted to welcome you to Old North Church.
Our Sunday services follow the liturgies in the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer, supplemented by a rich array of resources from across our Anglican tradition, especially the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada, as well as our Lutheran full communion partners.
Most Sundays we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or the Mass. Choral Matins (traditional Anglican Morning Prayer) is offered several times a year. Lessons & Carols are held in Advent and Epiphany.
Our Sunday services are offered at 11 a.m. With visitors from across the country and the world, advanced reservations are welcome and invited (though not required) to assist in our weekly planning. Please click here to reserve, or contact the church office: congregation@oldnorth.com.
Please join us virtually every Sunday on our YouTube channel.
To offer financial support for our Episcopal Congregation, click below.
Parking: Discounted parking is available Sunday mornings at the North End Garage at 600 Commercial Street — at the corner of Commercial and Hull Street, two blocks from Old North. With church validation (available from an usher after worship), the parking fee is reduced until 1 PM.