Our Ministries
Outreach 3rd Sunday Loose Plate Collections
Every third Sunday of the month, the loose plate offering (that is, any money received that is not otherwise designated as a pledge payment to the parish) is given to a pre-designated charitable ministry. Education and volunteer opportunities related to each quarterly designated ministry are also presented to the congregation to fully understand and appreciate what the particular organization does, the impact each has, and how we can help each organization beyond the walls of our church.

1723 Club
1723 Fellowship Club (“1723 Club”) is a lively, growing, open and inclusive Christian graduate student and young professionals group committed to providing opportunities for fostering fellowship through genuine friendships, support, and growth for young adults; discussing the application of faith to school/careers; and exploring questions of faith and Christianity, regardless of background. Members, living in the North End and neighboring committees, are active and encouraged in all aspects of congregational life: choir, readers, communion ministers, livestream videographers, hosting coffee and fellowship hours, outreach and social justice ministries, and more. Throughout the year we host an array of events, including a Welcome Back BBQ, the Annual Brass Chandelier Weekend Brunch, Campus Greening for Christmas, Mid-Winter Dinner, and activities off-site. Once a month, we have a more informal family style dinner. Please contact the office for additional information: congregation@oldnorth.com
Altar Guild
Members of the congregation whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterward.
Sunday Service Volunteers
Members of the congregation assist with worship services by reading the scripture lessons, offering the Prayers of the People, and serving as ushers. Volunteers also set up coffee which is served following our 11 AM worship service.
Church School
Church school for our younger members is offered the first Sunday of the month during the 11 AM worship service. Led by Dean Holly Hartman and assisted by youth and parents, children are provided a safe and fun space to learn and grow in faith. Members and visitors alike are welcome.
Pastoral Care
We all can use a little pastoral support every now and then. Please let us know if you or a loved one are in need of prayer, or are facing hospitalization or illness. Our Pastoral Care Committee is available to offer support and prayer and can even help arrange for home-cooked meals and transportation to church.
Bible Study
Join us for a lively weekly discussion of Scripture and biblical themes via Zoom. No prior experience with the Bible is necessary and all are welcome! Please contact the office for additional information: congregation@oldnorth.com
Inquirer’s Class
Offered annually for people interested in learning more about the history, tradition, and worship of the Episcopal Church.
Remembrance Sunday
Each year on the second Sunday in November we welcome the members of the British and Commonwealth communities in Boston for a traditional Remembrance Sunday service honoring those who have died in service to their country. Additional services with the British and Commonwealth communities have included royal Jubilees and a memorial for Queen Elizabeth.
Livestream Services
Our Sunday services are livestreamed via our YouTube channel to a diverse community of faithful participants and viewers across the country and world. Some viewers are church members who are away or unable to attend, while others are friends and supporters near and far. Livestreamed services are archived and available for later viewing.