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The Old North Chamber Choir Sings at 11 AM
(September through June)

Sunday services and at special services celebrating religious and historical events. Reflecting the significant role of music in the rich Anglican liturgical tradition, Sunday services at Old North include organ preludes and postludes as well as psalms and hymns sung by the choir and congregation. The choir sings several anthems at each service reflecting a broad range of musical styles and traditions. On a given Sunday, the congregation may hear music that ranges from Gregorian chants to African American spirituals, and compositions by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, Gabriel Fauré, Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Rutter, Aaron Copland, and more

Professional and Volunteer

The choir consists of volunteers from the congregation and paid professional section leaders. With the exception of July and August, the choir meets twice a week to rehearse: Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:00 PM and Sundays prior to the service. Those wishing information about joining the choir as volunteers or as paid professionals are encouraged to contact Old North at 617-858-8231 and leave a message for Dr. Libor Dudas.